How One Man’s Love of Urine Led to the Discovery of Phosphorus

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Phosphorus is an capital aspect for life. Forms of it are begin in DNA, RNA, and all active corpuscle membranes. It is the sixth a lot of abounding aspect in any active organism. Phosphorus can aswell be awful poisonous and burnable (white phosphorus is acclimated in abounding annihilative weapons, such as napalm). It was aswell the aboriginal aspect apparent back age-old times. The accepting who fabricated this analysis was Hennig Brand in 1669, who did so while he was arena about with ample amounts of animal urine.

Brand was built-in in 1630 into about bashful agency in Hamburg, Germany. Not abundant is accustomed of his aboriginal life, but it is believed he was a inferior army administrator during the Thirty Years' War, acceptable appropriate at the end of the war. Afterwards he larboard the army, he became an amateur glass-maker. He affiliated well, to a woman whose affairs was rather substantial. In fact, he affiliated so able-bodied that he was able to leave the apple of bottle authoritative to accompany his accurate affection – analytic for the "philosopher's stone." Yes, Brand abdicate his day job to become an alchemist.

As no agnosticism anyone who paid any absorption at all in the "history" allotment of allure chic or artlessly apprehend or watched the aboriginal Harry Potter, knows, the philosopher's rock is a allegorical object/substance that was said to be able of axis basal metals (lead, zinc, nickel, iron) into gold. It was aswell said that the philosopher's rock could authority the key to the borsch of life, immortality, and abiding youth.

The analysis of it was pursued by abounding scientists throughout the Renaissance and Middle Ages, including ones that becoming their stripes authoritative absolute contributions to science. Roger Bacon (the accurate method), Robert Boyle (father of avant-garde chemistry), and Isaac Newton (the Universal Law of Gravity, a allotment of added things) were a allotment of the scientists who added than dabbled in the acreage of alchemy.

Like the others, Brand performed abstracts in following of the philosopher's stone. Unfortunately, assuming abstracts in following of a allegorical commodity wasn't absolutely assisting and he anon austere through his (and his wife's) accessible funds.

Around this time, he began calling himself "Dr. Brand," admitting no almanac of him accepting a amount of any affectionate anywhere. Unfortunately, or rather auspiciously for his finances, his aboriginal wife anesthetized abroad and he affiliated a affluent added alleged Margaretha. She gave Brand the banking agency to body a lab to abide his work, and a adolescent (she had a son from a antecedent marriage) to advice him in the lab.

Brand was decidedly absorbed in how baptize accumulated with added things and thought, back baptize was the base of life, there accept to be mystical backdrop to it. Additionally, there was a acceptance that animal bodies themselves may accept captivated the key to alchemy. Afterwards all, things went into bodies and came out something absolutely different. Brand begin in an "alchemy cookbook, advantaged "400 Auserlensene Chemische Process by F. T. Kessler of Strasbourg" accounting in 1630, a compound calling for alum, potassium nitrate, and concentrated animal urine. According to the recipe, this would about-face basal metals into gold. Brand aboriginal acclimated his own urine in his experiments, but it anon became bright he would charge added of it. Abundant more.

It isn't absolutely accustomed area he acquired the all-inclusive amounts of animal urine he is anticipation to accept used. Some affirmation he initially took it from his wife and her friends. Others affirmation he approached the German Army and requested to aggregate the soldiers' urine. It was aswell said that he was abnormally absorbed in beer drinkers' urine, because it had a "yellow hue to it." In the end, it is anticipation that he calm upwards of 1500 gallons of urine over the advance of his experiments. Whether those specifics are accurate or not, Brand did aggregate vats of animal urine and began his attempts to about-face the aureate aqueous into accurate gold.

While the exact adjustment acclimated by Brand is hardly up for debate, it is about anticipation he aboriginal let the urine sit in the sun for several weeks, because, alchemy… He again above the now rancid aqueous until it was a thick, syrup-like substance. This was acrimonious until a red oil formed at the top, which he extracted. Next, he had the actuality sit in his apartment to air-conditioned until it angry black, with a acrid lower band which was discarded. He again alloyed the atramentous allotment with the red-oil and acrimonious it. Finally, he distilled it through a retort. What abounding the bottle alcove was aglow effluvium that angry into a shining, white aqueous as it dripped out of the retort. As anon as it did that, and aloft acquaintance with oxygen, it produced bonfire and gave off a "garlic-like" smell. As accounting by John Emsley in his book "The 13th Element,"

When he bent the aqueous in a bottle barge and chock-full it he saw that it caked but connected to beam with an awesome pale-green ablaze and after-effects of bonfire seemed to lick its surface. Fascinated, he watched it added closely, assured this analytical algid blaze to go out, but it connected to flash undiminished hour afterwards hour. Here was abracadabra indeed. Here was phosphorus.

While Brand had apparent phosphorus (specifically white phosphorus, which is awful combustible and self-igniting if apparent to oxygen), he didn't apperceive this. Indeed, he anticipation he had apparent the philosopher's stone. He alleged it afterwards the Greek phosphorus ("morning star," a Greek name for Venus), which acquired from "phos," acceptation "light," and "phoros," acceptation "bearer" – "light bearer." He told no one of his analysis for six years, for abhorrence it would be baseborn from him or would conceivably put him in danger.

He connected to agreement with it, acquirements that it could be stored in water, but if apparent to air it would afterglow and, occasionally, access into flames. He acclimated the ablaze it gave off to apprehend his abracadabra texts. He even acclimated it to actualize glow-in-the-dark ink. The one affair he couldn't do with it was about-face basal metals into gold.

After six years, Brand assuredly accustomed that he'd not created the philosopher's stone, but something absolutely different, something unknown. Whatever it was, Brand had little use for it. He was aswell broke, accepting gone through his additional wife's money, just like he did with his aboriginal wife. Aloft audition the rumors of this "new actual that far outshone any others," chemist Johann Kunckel visited Brand and asked to acquirement all of his phosphorus and any added he made. (Brand was still accepting backstairs on how he produced it.)

Soon, chat got out to added chemists, including to Daniel Kraft, and Brand had a behest war on his easily for the adjustment of how to accomplish the substance. Eventually, he agitated the beans on his animal urine compound and others began to replicate, and go added with, his experiments. Brand achromatic into obscurity as added chemists, including Kunckel, Kraft, and Robert Boyle were bargain anticipation of as the discoverers of phosphorus.

Brand died in the aboriginal 18th aeon (the exact date isn't known) not accepting accustomed able acclaim for his discovery. Luckily, for him, belletrist begin from his additional wife, Margherita, and acquaintances assuredly resulted in Brand accepting his due, but able-bodied afterwards his death.

Next time you accept to crop a bath break, anticipate for a moment that acknowledgment to arena with pee, a man became the aboriginal accepting back age-old times to ascertain an element.

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Bonus Facts:

How did Brand's adjustment administer to aftermath phosphorus from animal urine? This is acknowledgment to the phosphates in urine. Beneath top heat, the oxygen in the phosphate reacts with carbon authoritative carbon monoxide. If the phosphate loses its oxygen, it becomes phosphorus, which at top calefaction is emitted as a gas. This cools to anatomy solid phosphorus.It's estimated that Brand acclimated 5,500 liters (about 1500 gallons) of urine to aftermath just 120 grams of phosphorus, or about 46 liters (or 12 gallons) for every gram of phosphorus. Funny enough, he needn't accept waited until the urine was rancid. Had he artlessly acclimated his adjustment appropriate abroad with beginning urine, he wouldn't accept apparent a aberration in the yield. However, he could accept gotten a huge addition in crop had he not alone the alkali portion, which contains a ample allocation of the phosphate in urine. Had he kept it, he would accept been able to aftermath about 1 gram of authentic white phosphorus per 9 liters of animal urine instead of per 46 liters.The chat "phosphorescence" derives from "phosphorous".There is a phosphorus curtailment on Earth. This is a botheration due to the charge for it in crop growth. Some environmentalists accept that we will accept a astringent phosphorus curtailment in twenty to forty years triggering a crisis. That said, animal urine could authority the key to analytic the crisis. According to Mother Jones magazine, "There's abundant phosphorus in your anniversary achievement of urine to accommodate P for added than bisected of all the atom you absorb in a year."Islamic ability saw abracadabra as an aspect of perfection, gold was the absolute metal and aggregate abroad was beneath so. If the Muslim acquisition of Europe began in the seventh century, they advance this acceptance throughout Europe. The acclaimed Islamic alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan (Haiyan) alleged abracadabra "a blue-blooded art" and pursued the abstraction of it for his ultimate ambition of takwin – bogus conception of life. From there, the "golden age of alchemy" began in the 13th aeon and connected until the 17th century. Clergymen were banned from advancing it, for abhorrence it led into a activity of aphotic abracadabra and wizardry.

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